So now you have your incoming stream of coupons and you have a handle on how to interpret them. Next step? Get organized! An extreme coupon-cutter never lets sweet deals expire because his or her coupons are sitting in a heap on the kitchen counter. One expert recommends using baseball card holders or sheet protectors in a binder. It's a flexible solution that can help you keep tabs on which products should be added to your shopping list, and you can take it with you each time you're ready to hit the aisles in case an unexpected sale pops up.
You can organize your collection any number of ways, such as by expiration date or by product category. Both have pros and cons. Organizing by category, for example, will take more time upfront, but your coupons will be easier to find when you come across a deeply discounted product begging for a $1.00/1 or B2G1 (One Dollar Off or Buy 2 Get One) coupon to defray the cost down to a only a few cents. - thank extreme couponing tlc
I keep mine in a binder sorted by sections of the grocery store. This is also sorted the same way as my shopping list. I do my cutting and sorting while watching tv. I'm working on posting my grocery list.
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